is saba university a good medical school

is saba university a good medical school

is saba university a good medical school

Box 1000Church Street, The Bottom,Saba, Dutch Caribbean, *The Massachusettes address is for Saba's administrative offices. These practices is illegal, but is not only ignored by the administration, the university administration is actively supporting it and enabling it. I can not even imagine being able to sleep at night if I ran a medical school with a 40% fail rate. Saba University School of Medicine is one of the world's leading international medical schools, with a 30-year history of educating outstanding doctors. Check-in starts at 9.30 a.m. for the optional Admissions Deans' Panel and at 12.30 p.m. for the main Medical School Fair. Never learned anything in depth for long retention. How much does it cost for 7 years of medical school? Apply to them knowing that there is a high attrition rate, but also know that if you work hard and you stay focused, I dont see any reason why you couldnt succeed. Everyone cant do it. Get out while you still can. But I also cant speak for the other Caribbean schools, except for this one. As long as you keep your head in the game and ignore all the distractions (which is hard of course) you will make it. Everyone will have a different experience and deal with it differently. Keck Foundation, which the University of Oregon matched, totaling $1.8M. This is my second year and so far my school has showed a lot of support for us. All of our lectures are recorded on Echo360, so attendance is not required, so I just sit in my lovely brand new condo here that looks onto the bay and do my class work for most of the day. The Caribbean is high-risk but SGU gives you your best shot. The problem I have with this is that our school allows students to take on 40K per semester of debt just to dismiss them after 4 or 5 semesters if they fall below an overall GPA below a 75% or having a final grade of below 70% in any one class. I am a fmg practicing neat Washington DC internal medicine . Simple as that. Plus, its an unpleasant place with mosquitoes, waterbugs, pollution from the refineries, undrinkable water and an oppressive hot, humid climate. The medico legal climate is different today than when I started. Medical School is not that hard if you think about it. I prefer to go to the beach, go hiking, or to a resort after an exam, than going to a bar in NYC during the wintertime. You can do it!!! Massachusetts, If its in a suburban area, watch out for SGU has an attrition rate of less than 10% Again, the stats are available, just look at them on their website. Now the term is IMG. Perhaps these are rare and extreme occurrences but they are most certainly real. Required GPA for entrance as of 2019 (newly instated): 2.0 on a 4.0 scale More surprisingly is this school has partnerships with hospital in New Jersey and New York that offer to cover half or full tuition to students eligible for the scholarship. My last point will be this. The fact is the 750 number is out-dated and the student to library seating ratio has been worsening with their swift marketing tactics to bring in more students every semester(me included-got suckered into their libel). How is it that Financial Aid continue to give loans and assistance to schools and are not creating medical doctors. We had a Siesta in between the morning and afternoon classes, but this meant having to commute twice. There was a push by physicians daddys NY/NJ, too, which caused Grenada to open. Volume so big to learn it all in short semesters and hard to retain long term. This is the best article Ive ever read on the truth of such schools. The transportation might be horrible when leaving off campus, should you get a car or even be at a school or house where you need to rely on transport. I wont go back to doctors that house these brats. Perhaps that is true for some, but for many the fact that they realize that a school has just trashed their dreams or making it extremely difficult for them to attain it, is heartbreaking. If you worked hard and honestly you got through fine. I had a 3.55 GPA. Thanks Tori. Saba University School of Medicine is a fully accredited medical school. If youve got a spare six figures or have family that funds your education, this part doesnt play into the equation. I received 72k for having GPA/MCAT >3.6/507 within a week of applying. All rights reserved. Ive heard so many disappointing stories from hard-working students, many of which participate in student government or other volunteer groups whose goal is to add value to SJSM and the students. I would also like some feedback on Ross University vs SABA vs AUC. Trust me and stay tuned. I worry about what would happen if the school closed due to lack of attendance. Are you a licensed physician? Register to our upcoming in-person events and webinars! Like finding out good studying strategies. In my first semester, I was so sad to be away from home I barely passed my first midtermsbut that was a wake-up call for me to work harder which I did. 5 How much is Saba University School of Medicine? A simple google search led to me a plethora of backlash forum posts against the school. (within a couple years Reagan sent in the troops to counter a Cuban invasion of the island. Sometimes I laugh at myself chasing the bus that was supposed to come later than came too early, that memory. Here's what he says. What you start with is what you end with. Very inspiring write up I graduated from AUC. The New York office Saba graduates have enjoyed great success in securing residencies. Plus, I had never taken physics. (3) Some of the claims that are made in this post are just flat out absurd and factually incorrect. Wow. In my opinion, if you cant succeed at SGU, then you would absolutely never succeed at a US medical school. They can change the grading layout the number of exams they plan to give a semester. DO schools have their own board exam, the COMLEX which is a substitute for the USMLE. I even managed to train for a marathon down there. So building stress handling skills in medical schools whether you study in US, or the tough Caribbeans, which also are the awesome beauty, is plus. At the end you want to become a physician and if you have the chance to do it, then take the opportunity. From my research, students who wish to study medicine but do not get in, oftentimes apply to English-language programs in Poland, Hungary, or Romania to study medicine there (if they can afford it) and then get their degrees validated by the EU as MD-Romania for example. I know that a lot of great doctors come from my school. Thanks for reading! What you dont know is, in graduate school, you need an 80% to keep going, so a 70 should be a walk in the park, if not, you are just not cut out for medical school. ; Participants can check in at the Broadway entrance of Lerner Hall upon arrival. Of course so many were offered a second chance to become physicians but did not like the island and decided to leave, or were not a material for med school. This school charges $45k per term and once you get to clinicals its $60k per term. The AUA coordinator is the WORST person ever. The physicians that make it through the system are excellent and have been through more abuse than US physicians but unfortunately, many of the ones who are roadblocked are also strong in their skills and knowledge base. Something that makes Saba one of the more attractive options out of all the Caribbean med schools is its high residency match rate at 94%. Take ownership. crashes. I had a medical condition that required hospitalization. As I and many other students said it above, there are pros and cons coming here but at the end we have to be thankful that Caribbean schools are giving us a one-time opportunity to become physicians. Oh we know its 2018 and medicine has evolved so much, but right now only the 2014 edition of First Aid for the USMLE is available, but you can work with that right? Also most of the lecturers just read straight out of a review book, such as Kaplan or BRS, yet class is mandatory. Quality of facilities was fine. A teacher harassing you for not tying your hair back and wearing gloves (just to pretend ur in gross anatomy lab) will then remove the organs and put them back together for an hour while u watch in awe before (my fav part) standing in line to wash ur hands like you just scrubbed out of surgery in the same big metal sinks with faucet pedals lmao. These are the people needed to close the health-disparities gap. As Peter McConarty, a veteran family doctor who advises E.L.A.M. I took the information that admissions counselors give me and then I verify it by looking on the USMLE websites, I counted the number of students that got matched against their graduation roster, I also compared all the big four and gathered more information from reputable well researched sites and will make my decision whether to attend St George, SABA, or MUA, University of Arizona, University of Virginia, Harvard Medical, or Johns Hopkins. Many of the professors are well versed in their field and are passionate about education while others are woefully inadequate. Hi,Jane, Im from Nigeria and also a prospective medical student in one of the medical schools in the Caribbean. Know what you are getting into and be prepared. It was very difficult for me emotionally to be away from my family so inevitably, I chose my family over medical school. There are pros and cons about attending Caribbean medical schools. Can you please kindly tell me what school you are talking about? Saba is not currently subject to the jurisdiction of and thus has not received authorization from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. Any advise from experience is very helpful.Thank you. There were certainly people who did not do well, and left unceremonsionuly from the island..maybe they are the ones that are frequenting forums and websites passionately describing these schools as the worst things ever. If you are an IMG, you know this when you start med school. Id love to pick your brain about Ross. In March of 2014, Phillip passed the U.S. medical-licensing exam, with one year of Cuban medical school left. You cant underestimate what someone else went through. Whatever happens, there is one thing I know; I been learning to be a doctor and now that I am well, if I could do it again, I would go for it. When it comes to other facilities around campus, since Ive been here theyve been constantly constructing new buildings and expanding space where they can. I wanted to finally speak up. There is no Caribbean school that will tell you there is a 40% fail out rate in their school. One word = corrupted. I told them I never got federal loans. They said that they would not take the risk of lowering their statistics by allowing me to sit for the exam. 16% graduation rate??? None of the facilities are amazing, but you actually can live with a hot plate and microwave without starving. I totally agree with everything youve stated and Im glad I withdrew when I did because that one semester cost me $30,000. Hey, could you let me know about the pros and cons of studying at all saints St. Vincent and the grenadines? This is for money and I dont believe it is good for humans to go through this type of abuse while in training to help others. Its also how your brain is going to force you to think, but if you end up on the island, learn not to dwell on too many thoughts, express them, write them, whatever you do with them, just study. Antigua and Barbuda have two Carib MD schools that have a combined match rate of 46%. I graduated from a Caribe school(Dom Republic) a long time ago at the onset of the surge of schools. Less expensive than the bigger Caribbean schools I started with sgu in 1998. This was probably due to my run-ins with the administration for being vocal about injustices we had faced. The numbers of NPs are increasing and so will our power be. Compared to most U.S. medical schools, Sabas requirements arent as difficult to match. Im sure that this mental stress is perhaps the worst amongst all that we have discussed. That way you will not try to commit suicide. That makes them one of the best Caribbean medical schools out there! I wouldnt take that risk when you have hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake. Some 2,500+ Saba graduates now practice medicine across the U.S. and Canada, and their ongoing success has helped cement Saba's reputation as a leading medical school. Sabas curriculum emphasizes greater integration between case-based learning and clinical skills development. The will to succeed and genuine drive of these physicians eclipses most of my US trained peers. the first 2 years of medical school at IUHS is online? Surely some of the Caribbean schools are not so morally bankrupt. I, too came from a Caribbean medical school and am almost finished with my residency training. I am telling you you are making a mistake with this school. It could be something fair or unfair, something you might not have faced if you went somewhere else. Are you the type of person that can adapt easily and those things dont bother you? In the US and some countries they filter the applicants prior to entry. Thank You for this message. Saba, which makes up one of the regions big four, stirs up a lot of interest. event in San Jose, while researching alternatives to medical school. The island has a reputation as a pirate island and is almost impossible to live on Saba unless you are part of the population benefitting from the corruption. I dont know what this mean and to be frank, common sense tells me that if you have 40% over the student population to seat numbers, isnt building or expanding the library the logical sense? There are usually so many mistakes made by the inexperienced professors, the lecture becomes confusing and muddled. I mean Im currently living my dream. -If you fail a semester at any of these schools what are the chances you can get into another one? Education. I left after the first semester because I could see the dangerous journey I was embarking on. Many factors have contributed to the dropout rate and the decision not to go to Saba. Its a VERY corrupt, hypocritical society. helped littleexcept throwing paperwork at us. What productive or uplifting purpose does it serve? This certificate is very useful in the field of medicine. There was nothing left to go back to. weeks taking Segundos and Terceros, only to find out you Failed anyway. You just drop out when you run out of money.. 400 students accepted. Thanks Zainab. I think it is terrible though that they let a surplus of students in, many who really may not qualify, hence giving them false hopes and leaving them with a large debt. Pamela Wible, M.D., reports on human rights violations in medicine and what really goes on behind the scenes in medical training and culture. You might not be accustomed to the standard of living, and its definitely outside of your comfort zone. It is impressive what people can accomplish when motivated though but sad. Unless you aced the MSKP, the N Y office of our school generated paperwork and did little to help with rotations. Finally, in my experience, the costs of medical school are far beyond what they really need to be. What helps is me laughing at my life in the Caribbean, in the morning thinking I am about to take a shower, only to be waiting for water that is coming out slowly and slowly determined to get clean, until I learned to be smarter and bought a bucket to store water and made friends with a girl at a house with water that doesnt run out, and she could come to my place for I had a generator. taining to what was expected/tolerated of US Grads, and what WE could There is housing for the majority of us, and even if students dont get housing, there are many buildings and houses right outside the school that we can rent. Im sorry, at the graduate level those days are over. I went to SGU and withdrew in my second semester education was just really bad. I only applied to Ross and St. George because I knew my chances to get into a U.S medical school was slim to none. I believe the wonderful weather and beaches around make our anxiety levels to go down. Students who need extra academic help are assigned to a different cohort, so not all of the 1,000 or 900 or 500 or whatever is the number of students per term are mashed into a lecture hall. The Honor society offers one-on-one tutoring for free. Dont ruin your life chasing a career that saw its golden age come and go fifty years ago. My family did not move to Antigua with me because Antigua, unlike other Caribbean islands is not very welcoming to foreigners. no problem, no undergraduate degree, cmon down, no academic documents/proofs, AUAs got ya! Caribbean Medical Schools have different controversies in the market. I was willing to fight through everything else even ignore how scary it was to have hurricanes. The school also offers workshops on different areas as test taking skills, how to deal with anxiety and depression, and how to study for a specific subject. You have to be able to speak to patients, colleagues, and represent your department without embarrassment. Comparison is one of those things that will always make it hard to deal with things that life throws at you. I graduated for American University of the Caribbean. Also how would students find out the truth? You know what you need to be a good physician, that is what you should focus on. After starting rotations, half of the hospitals they were rotating with when I signed for an apartment said the school nulled their contract and we could no longer rotate with them (Norwegian Hospital, St. Marys and several others). PSA: you are MORE than capable of changing the world as an NP, PA, EMT, etc. This is my second year and so far my school has showed a lot of support for us. But, an MD without USMLE Part II can still get hired as a professor or other biomedical researcher, participate in planning and running clinical trials, and get priority for grants with new terminal degree from the National Institutes of Health and the NIH myriad subsidiary institutes. The stress of studying away from home might be unfair if you compare to other schools; but it depends how you compare or should you even be comparing. What medical school did you apply for ? There are people who want to be a doctor for the sake of becoming a doctor, and also some who need an MD for research jobs, medicolegal, Med School Professors, ETC.. Students are used to having brilliant or at least decent professors. There were only a few cadavers in the anatomy labsdug up from Please publish my letter if you feel it will help others. I would say go!!!! Saba University School of Medicine. My biggest concern for any Caribbean school is the ECFMG 2023 policy that would essentially be shutting down all access to the US. I went to Ross and I was dismissed bc I did not want to repeat. Do you know what you are facing? So you looking at a 50% chance of being unemployed.But hey Mcdonalds has all the fries you can eat after if you work there after you graduate, since after graduation you will not be certified, do you plan in staying in that island, cause you are not going to be working as a physician without ecfmg certification, and then it is 50-50 to get matched into a residency. you also can get your ass handed to you even when you dont sleep and just study all the time. You keep your head down, study everyday, and hit the store once a week. No words. I decided to apply here because I have five friends who came to this school and they are practicing in the US without any problems or delays in their careers. Beyond that, my understanding is that SGU (the oldest and most established program) now has some type of accreditation issue so that program is no longer a legitimate option. This is too much for some to handle and Im sure they struggle to get a position. Hi please I really need help and direction I will appreciate if we can talk am a Nigerian too considering going to the medical school in carebbean ,please call me 08035100134, Hi Pamela-this student does not indicate which Caribbean medical school he/she attended, Grenada or Dominica or others. It should be a LAST resort. However, once it was time to enter Med 5 (the final semester), administration then told these students that they arent allowed to go into MD 5 without first completing the bachelors program that they decided to skip initially. Saba University School of Medicine was founded in 1992 with a bold mission: to establish an international alternative to U.S. and Canadian medical schools that would not only provide an excellent medical education and expansive career opportunities but also maintain an affordable tuition. There are waterfalls to jump off of and mountains to hike, and the friends that you make will be the best friends youve ever had in your life. They know we want it so bad, so they literally pimp us and design the curriculum to weed out even good students. Some have better residency match rates than others so beware. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Hopefully they wont hinder you or affect you beyond what you can handle. The class of 700, starting in January, finished with around 450, meaning about 64 percent of their class made it from day 1 to the last day of year 2. Phillip, a first-generation college graduate, worked multiple jobs and took out loans to pay for her undergraduate degrees in public health and integrative biology, at the University of California, Berkeley. I went to their website and they do not mention this at all. As per Columbia University's "Vaccine-Related Policies and Guidelines", COVID-19 vaccination is mandatory for all affiliates who will be on . Are you ready to become a Saba doctor? In the meantime, given I left that med school with no degree (came in right out of highschool), I continued my schooling in the US. If you can put up with that abuse you are well suited for a carreer in todays medicine. Saba University School of Medicine makes it possible for students to earn their degree in under 4 years, spending 20 months studying Basic Sciences on the campus in Saba, completing an 8-week research module and returning to the U.S. or Canada for 72 weeks of clinical rotations. Or a plan B, C and D. Dont let one thing totally devastate you and put you on the edge. A few prospective students have contacted me on facebook and asked for my candid opinion of my school. So, the material you are learning many times isnt even relevant to Step 1. It was hard work but I made it! You are in a cacoon of whitcist but sorry that cacoon is not even from a proper medical school. If thats the case, then the USMLEs are not hard enough and should be re-examined for their difficulty and effectiveness for being used as a gauge to grant would-be Doctors advancement toward becoming licensed to practice. I can agree with just about everything Ive read here! As with everything, offshore medical education like that in Caribbean countries is not a monolith. A 2017 thread on the website showed some particularly negative criticism of the school, specifically in terms of its quality of education. This is definitely on the low end compared to the average U.S. med school GPA of 3.71 (Source). Yes, there are a whole lot of students that they give these chances to. Eat healthy, dont overthink about that people did to you if it isnt something that physically hurt you; study and focus. Biology: one-year general biology or zoology with a lab component. There is no ugly truth, but hope and that is worth a great deal. Thanks got the info. You are doing a great job. They appeal one student but not the other. Currently in the U.S. there lots of DO schools springing up left and right, and most of them are for profit. you can sail anywhere you want. Also, they dont even get sick days. Which Caribbean med school are you attending? I was in Mexico 1976 at the most recognized of foreign medical schools, Universidad Autonoma Guadalajara. They have great resources and a few really great professors that truly do care about you and your education. Ive applied to 6 PA schools and also MSN/DNP programs for this years cycle. My school gave me the opportunity to study medicine, something that US medical schools didnt do for me. I did get the M.D. Be 100% dedicated and you will get there. So, there is no confusion in that this university gives you the best career opportunities. I had several people say just go get your Nurse Practioner degree, but when I looked into that, the same amount of time would be required so I focused on Med School or PA School. Medicine isnt what it used to be. If you graduated from such a school, talking badly about it is not going to do any favors for your reputation as a doctor. As for the new students in semester 1 with the new curriculum, this is what they decided to do in order to keep raking in the money without having to show up for an attrition rate as last semester. With 900 students how did we get down to 650? Hi, Copyright 2023| | As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. BUTthats just a cat and mouse game. run into car crash medicine scamswith the local Mafia staging the Keep in mind, that many students drop out because they dont get used to the island, they miss their families, some cases in which a parent die and they cannot continue studying medicine, some of them do not qualify for loans, students get overwhelm, some suffer of anxiety or/and depression and cant deal with classes, classes are too hard for some of them, students dont like the curriculum, they dont like the professors, or it could be that there are Caribbean schools that really suck. Hello, I just wanted to give my input to give a different perspective. I only read 1/4 of what you wrote. One thing I would tell you is not to judge newcomers so harshly in the moment and understand that everyone reaches their potential at different rates. also try to get you to round in multiple hospitals, making it impossible for Even if you dont believe the stats that SGU publishes, then look at the match lists. Residency: Case Western Reserve, Internal Medicine, Graduate. Given that every semester, despite AUA or Caribbean med school reputations, reddits, sdn, etc., student size grows. 80% of lectures and labs are mandatory, which I believe is inconvenient for many of us. Say whatever you like, but we were in all the way: Mind, body, soul, money. Unless a path is handed to you, its going to be a battlefield. If you want a warm and fuzzy feeling and are not used to fighting for what you want, instead of waiting for it, then medical school is not for you 3. I imagine that you have now made this decision for yourself, and I imagine that the law of averages would suggest you did not finish at Saba, but maybe managed to transfer on from there. Is that you? I cant really tell you as even if I had obtained a residency my best hope would be to stay even. The sad thing is that I look around to my colleagues. Return from Saba medical school to Medical School Insider. There are also preferences given to the many other groups for one reason or another. So, if the faculty is accomplished, why would they work for less than they could get in the US? First of all not everyone at a Caribbean medical school processes the appropriate academic competency to succeed. SGU pushes students to maintain above an 80%, because that correlates with ~220 >> the bare minimum that IMGs from SGU should get if they want to match into a non-competitive residency. If you decided to come on a forum and reply to someones experience only to dog on them over the length and paragraph structure of the same, do yourself a favor and kindly walk out the door. If you need to go to the Caribbeans, just do it, if you need to retake the MCAT and study in USA, just do it; noone else can tell you what is right for you. Dont beat yourself up like I did. this usually means they arent good lecturers either!). aue te aroha ka rere atu nei, Was in Mexico 1976 at the most recognized of foreign medical schools, Universidad Autonoma.! Shutting down all access to the standard of living, and hit the store once week... Something fair or unfair, something that physically hurt you ; study and focus is... Advises E.L.A.M preferences given to the US and design the curriculum to weed out even good students believe is for! Are not creating medical doctors train for a carreer in todays medicine those. To be away from my family did not move to Antigua with me because,... 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is saba university a good medical school